ハリハリ漬け ハリハリづけ はりはりづけ thin, dried strips of daikon soaked in vinegar and other flavorings n Advanced ➥
沖漬け おきづけ small fish sliced open and pickled in a mixture of vinegar, sake, and salt n food seafood pickled in soy (esp. squid) n food Advanced ➥
どぶ漬け どぶづけ vegetables pickled in salted rice-bran paste, esp. with lots of liquid n food hot-dip galvanizing n engr col Advanced ➥
漬け づけ pickled (something) suf pickled in (something); preserved in; dipped in suf overreliance on (e.g. medication); excessive use of; addiction to; immersion in; intense involvement in suf Advanced ➥