勉強 / 単語 / 瑠璃も玻璃も照らせば分かる



  • cream rises to the top; great talent will stand out anywhere; you realize what things are lapis lazuli and crystal when they are lit up exp proverb


ル • リュウ

lapis lazuli

Grade Level 8

14 Strokes

glassy; lapis lazuli

Grade Level 8

15 Strokes

glassy; lapis lazuli

Grade Level 8

15 Strokes


て.る • て.らす • て.れる

illuminate; shine; compare; bashful

Grade Level 4

13 Strokes

ブン • フン • ブ

わ.ける • わ.け • わ.かれる • わ.かる • わ.かつ

part; minute of time; segment; share; degree; one's lot; duty; understand; know; rate; 1%; chances; shaku/100

Grade Level 2

4 Strokes