勉強 / 単語 / 行政上



  • administrative adj-no


コウ • ギョウ • アン

い.く • ゆ.く • -ゆ.き • -ゆき • -い.き • -いき • おこな.う • おこ.なう

going; journey; carry out; conduct; act; line; row; bank

Grade Level 2

6 Strokes

セイ • ショウ

まつりごと • まん

politics; government

Grade Level 5

9 Strokes

ジョウ • ショウ • シャン

うえ • -うえ • うわ- • かみ • あ.げる • -あ.げる • あ.がる • -あ.がる • あ.がり • -あ.がり • のぼ.る • のぼ.り • のぼ.せる • のぼ.す • たてまつ.る

above; up

Grade Level 1

3 Strokes


うえ うわ かみ じょう

  • above; up; over; elder (e.g. daughter) n adj-no n-adv n-suf
  • top; summit; head (e.g. of a staircase) n
  • surface n
  • before; previous n adj-no n-adv
  • superiority; one's superior; one's elder n adj-no
  • on top of that; besides; what's more; not only ... but n-adv
  • upon (further inspection, etc.); based on (and occurring after) n-adv
  • matters concerning ...; as concerns ... n-adv
  • since (i.e. "for that reason") n-adv
  • honorable; venerable n-suf hon
  • place of one's superior (e.g. the throne) n-suf arch
  • emperor; sovereign; shogun; daimyo n-suf arch
  • noblewoman (esp. the wife of a nobleman) n-suf arch
  • upper; upward; outer; surface; top n pref
  • upper reaches (of a river); upper stream n
  • top; upper part; upper half (of the body) n
  • long ago n
  • beginning; first n
  • person of high rank (e.g. the emperor) n hon
  • government; imperial court n
  • imperial capital (i.e. Kyoto); capital region (i.e. Kansai); region (or direction of) the imperial palace n
  • head (of a table) n
  • wife; mistress (of a restaurant) n hon
  • from the standpoint of; as a matter of (e.g. fact); in the field of; being of the type of n-suf
  • aboard (a ship or vehicle); on top of; on; above n-suf
  • first volume (e.g. book) n
  • superior quality; best; top; high class n pref
  • going up n pref
  • governmental; imperial n pref
  • presenting; showing n pref
  • ana- pref med biol
Beginner II