勉強 / 単語 / 実写



  • on-the-spot filming or photography n vs
  • live filming (as opposed to animation); actual picture (as opposed to a drawing); photographic image (as opposed to a drawing, computer-generated image, etc.) n
  • real picture or story (as opposed to fiction, imaginary scene, etc.); describing actual scenes (in writing, drawings, paintings, etc.); documentary (film) n


ジツ • シツ

み • みの.る • まこと • みの • みち.る

reality; truth; seed; fruit; nut

Grade Level 3

8 Strokes

シャ • ジャ

うつ.す • うつ.る • うつ- • うつ.し

copy; be photographed; describe

Grade Level 3

5 Strokes