勉強 / 単語 / 注ぐ


そそぐ つぐ

  • to pour (into) v5g vt
  • to sprinkle on (from above); to water (e.g. plants); to pour onto; to spray v5g vt
  • to shed (tears) v5g vt
  • to concentrate one's energy (strength, attention, etc.) on; to devote to; to fix (one's eyes) on v5g vt
  • to flow into (e.g. of a river); to run into; to drain into v5g vi
  • to fall (of rain, snow); to pour down v5g vi
  • to pour (into a vessel); to fill (a cup, bowl, etc.) with; to dish out (food or drink) v5g vt uk
Beginner II



そそ.ぐ • さ.す • つ.ぐ

pour; irrigate; shed (tears); flow into; concentrate on; notes; comment; annotate

Grade Level 3

8 Strokes



そそぐ つぐ

  • to pour (into) v5g vt
  • to sprinkle on (from above); to water (e.g. plants); to pour onto; to spray v5g vt
  • to shed (tears) v5g vt
  • to concentrate one's energy (strength, attention, etc.) on; to devote to; to fix (one's eyes) on v5g vt
  • to flow into (e.g. of a river); to run into; to drain into v5g vi
  • to fall (of rain, snow); to pour down v5g vi
  • to pour (into a vessel); to fill (a cup, bowl, etc.) with; to dish out (food or drink) v5g vt uk
Beginner II