勉強 / 単語 / 弄る


いじる まさぐる

  • to finger; to touch; to play with; to fiddle with; to toy with v5r vt uk
  • to make changes to; to tinker with; to tamper with v5r vt uk
  • to dabble in; to do as a hobby; to play around with v5r vt uk
  • to grope; to feel around (in one's pocket, bag, etc.) v5r vt uk
Intermediate II


ロウ • ル

いじく.る • ろう.する • いじ.る • ひねく.る • たわむ.れる • もてあそ.ぶ

play with; tamper; trifle with

Grade Level 8

7 Strokes