勉強 / 単語 / 負

  • negative; minus n adj-no


ま.ける • ま.かす • お.う

defeat; negative; -; minus; bear; owe; assume a responsibility

Grade Level 3

9 Strokes


せい しょう じょう まさ

  • (logical) true; regular n adj-no
  • 10^40; ten thousand undecillion num
  • original n adj-no abbr
  • positive; greater than zero n adj-no math
  • thesis (in dialectics) n
  • greater (of equal court ranks); upper; senior n n-pref
  • director (highest of the four administrative positions of the ritsuryo period); chief n n-pref
  • exactly; precisely pref
  • exact; precise n adj-na arch
Beginner II