勉強 / 単語 / 停止


ていし ちょうじ

  • stoppage; coming to a stop; halt; standstill n vs
  • ceasing (movement, activity, etc.); suspension (of operations); interruption (e.g. of electricity supply); cutting off n vs
  • suspension (of payment, licence, etc.); (temporary) prohibition; ban n vs
  • suspension of music, dance, etc. as a sign of mourning for a prominent person n vs arch



と.める • と.まる

halt; stopping

Grade Level 5

11 Strokes

と.まる • -ど.まり • と.める • -と.める • -ど.め • とど.める • とど.め • とど.まる • や.める • や.む • -や.む • よ.す • -さ.す • -さ.し

stop; halt

Grade Level 2

4 Strokes