勉強 / 単語 / 所

ところ とこ しょ

  • place; spot; scene; site n suf
  • address n suf uk
  • district; area; locality n suf uk
  • one's house n suf uk
  • point; aspect; side; facet n suf uk
  • passage (in text); part n suf uk
  • space; room n suf uk
  • thing; matter n suf uk
  • whereupon; as a result n uk
  • about to; on the verge of n uk
  • was just doing; was in the process of doing; have just done; just finished doing n uk
  • counter for places suf ctr



ところ • -ところ • どころ • とこ

place; extent

Grade Level 3

8 Strokes



  • good thing; strong point n
  • good family; prestigious school n
  • the right moment n
  • utter; extreme adj-f
  • at (the) best; at most n-adv