勉強 / 単語 / 仕切る



  • to partition; to divide; to mark off v5r vt
  • to direct; to manage; to run; to organize; to take responsibility for v5r vt
  • to settle accounts v5r vt
  • to assume a crouching posture (at the start of a bout); to poise oneself for the initial charge v5r vi sumo
Intermediate II


シ • ジ


attend; doing; official; serve

Grade Level 3

5 Strokes

セツ • サイ

き.る • -き.る • き.り • -き.り • -ぎ.り • き.れる • -き.れる • き.れ • -き.れ • -ぎ.れ

cut; cutoff; be sharp

Grade Level 2

4 Strokes