勉強 / 単語 / 家

いえ うち

  • house; residence; dwelling n
  • family; household n
  • lineage; family name n
  • house n uk
  • one's house; one's home; one's family; one's household n adj-no uk
  • house (e.g. of Tokugawa); family suf
  • -ist; -er suf


カ • ケ

いえ • や • うち

house; home; family; professional; expert; performer

Grade Level 2

10 Strokes


うち ない

  • inside; within n
  • while (e.g. one is young); during; within (e.g. a day); in the course of n uk
  • among; amongst; (out) of; between n uk
  • in (secret, chaos, poverty, etc.); amidst; with (e.g. success) n uk
  • within oneself; one's feelings; inner thoughts n
  • we; our company; our organization n adj-no uk
  • one's home; one's family n adj-no uk
  • my spouse; my husband; my wife n
  • signed on behalf of (husband's name) by his wife n
  • I; me pn uk ksb
  • imperial palace grounds n arch
  • emperor n arch
  • inside; within suf
Beginner II



  • politician; statesman n