勉強 / 漢字 / 詰

キツ • キチ

つ.める • つ.め • -づ.め • つ.まる • つ.む

packed; close; pressed; reprove; rebuke; blame

Grade Level 8

13 Strokes




  • to stuff into; to jam; to cram; to pack; to fill; to plug; to stop up v1 vt
  • to shorten; to move closer together v1 vt vi
  • to reduce (spending); to conserve v1 vt
  • to focus intently on; to strain oneself to do v1 vt vi
  • to go through thoroughly; to work out (details); to bring to a conclusion; to wind up v1 vt
  • to be on duty; to be stationed v1 vi
  • to corner (esp. an opponent's king in shogi); to trap; to checkmate v1 vt
  • to cut off (one's finger as an act of apology); to catch (one's finger in a door, etc.) v1 vt
  • to do non-stop; to do continuously; to keep doing (without a break) aux-v v1
  • to do completely; to do thoroughly aux-v v1
  • to force someone into a difficult situation by ... aux-v v1
Beginner II



  • to be packed (with); to be full (space, schedule, etc.) v5r vi
  • to be blocked (road, pipe, nose, etc.); to be clogged; to be plugged up v5r vi
  • to shorten (width, interval, etc.); to shrink (shirt, word form, etc.); to narrow v5r vi
  • to be at a loss; to be hard pressed v5r vi
  • to end up; to be settled v5r vi
  • to become a geminate consonant v5r vi
  • to hit the ball near the handle of the bat v5r vi baseb



  • canned food; tinned food n adj-no
  • confining someone (e.g. so they can concentrate on work) n
  • being stuck in a confined space n



  • that is to say; that is; in other words; I mean; that (this, it) means adv uk
  • in short; in brief; to sum up; ultimately; in the end; in the long run; when all is said and done; what it all comes down to; when you get right down to it; basically adv uk
  • clogging; obstruction; stuffing; (degree of) blockage n uk
  • shrinkage n uk
  • end; conclusion n uk
  • dead end; corner n uk arch
  • distress; being at the end of one's rope n uk arch
Intermediate II



  • to rebuke; to scold; to tell off; to find fault; to harp on; to reprove v5r vt uk
  • to question persistently (in order to criticize or find fault with somebody) v5r vt uk
Intermediate II