吉原言葉 よしわらことば よしはらことば language used by the harlots of the Yoshiwara red light district during the Edo period n Advanced ➥
思い立ったが吉日 おもいたったがきちじつ おもいたったがきちにち no time like the present; make hay while the sun shines; it's an auspicious day (for doing it) when you've just had the idea exp proverb Advanced ➥
吉川神道 よしかわしんとう Yoshikawa Shinto (Confucianist form of Shinto, stripped of Buddhist influence) n Advanced ➥
吉田神道 よしだしんとう Yoshida Shinto; fusion of Shinto, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism stressing traditional Japanese elements n Advanced ➥