警鐘を鳴らす けいしょうをならす to ring an alarm bell exp v5s to sound a warning; to blow a whistle; to warn; to raise the alarm; to send a wake-up call exp v5s id Advanced ➥
鳴く蝉よりも鳴かぬ蛍が身を焦がす なくせみよりもなかぬほたるがみをこがす empty vessels make the most noise; the silent firefly burns with more passion than the crying cicada exp proverb Advanced ➥
鳴く蝉よりも鳴かぬ蛍が身を焦がす なくせみよりもなかぬほたるがみをこがす empty vessels make the most noise; the silent firefly burns with more passion than the crying cicada exp proverb Advanced ➥