負 フ ま.ける • ま.かす • お.う defeat; negative; -; minus; bear; owe; assume a responsibility Grade Level 3 9 Strokes ➥
勝つも負けるも時の運 かつもまけるもときのうん victory depends on the turn of fortune; winning and losing are both down to luck exp proverb Advanced ➥
相撲に勝って勝負に負ける すもうにかってしょうぶにまける to lose despite being the better fighter; to win the battle but lose the war; to fail at the last moment; to win the sumo, but lose the match exp id Advanced ➥
相撲に勝って勝負に負ける すもうにかってしょうぶにまける to lose despite being the better fighter; to win the battle but lose the war; to fail at the last moment; to win the sumo, but lose the match exp id Advanced ➥
勝って驕らず負けて腐らず かっておごらずまけてくさらず in victory, remember your humility; in defeat, remember your fighting spirit exp proverb Advanced ➥