足るを知る者は富む たるをしるものはとむ content is the philosopher's stone, that turns all it touches into gold exp proverb Advanced ➥
嘉肴ありと雖も食らわずんばその旨きを知らず かこうありといえどもくらわずんばそのうまきをしらず one cannot understand even a holy man's teachings without study; one cannot know the abilities of a great man without putting him to use; one cannot know the delicious taste of fine food without eating it exp proverb Advanced ➥
知らぬ神より馴染みの鬼 しらぬかみよりなじみのおに better the devil you know than the devil you don't know; better the ogre you know than the god you don't exp proverb Advanced ➥
知らぬ仏より馴染みの鬼 しらぬほとけよりなじみのおに better the devil you know than the devil you don't know; better the ogre you know than the Buddha you don't exp proverb Advanced ➥