親の意見と茄子の花は千に一つも無駄はない おやのいけんとなすびのはなはせんにひとつもむだはない always listen to your parents; always value your parents' advice; not even one in a thousand of a parents' opinion or an eggplant flower are in vain exp proverb Advanced ➥
中流に舟を失えば一壺も千金 ちゅうりゅうにふねをうしなえばいっこもせんきん any port will do in a storm; when you've lost your boat midstream, even a pot is worth a fortune exp proverb Advanced ➥
盲千人目明き千人 めくらせんにんめあきせんにん some are wise and some are otherwise; one thousand blind; one thousand with their eyes open exp proverb sens Advanced ➥
盲千人目明き千人 めくらせんにんめあきせんにん some are wise and some are otherwise; one thousand blind; one thousand with their eyes open exp proverb sens Advanced ➥
雀の千声鶴の一声 すずめのせんこえつるのひとこえ the word of a wise man is worth the words of one thousand fools; one thousand chirps of sparrows, one cry of a crane exp proverb Advanced ➥