高校卒業程度認定試験 こうこうそつぎょうていどにんていしけん Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates; Japanese high-school equivalency examination n abbr Advanced ➥
高等学校卒業程度認定試験 こうとうがっこうそつぎょうていどにんていしけん Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates; Japanese high-school equivalency examination n Advanced ➥
道立高等学校 どうりつこうとうがっこう prefectural senior high school (in Hokkaido); public senior high school (in Hokkaido) n Advanced ➥
都立高等学校 とりつこうとうがっこう prefectural senior high school (in Tokyo Metropolitan Area); public senior high school (in Tokyo Metropolitan Area) n Advanced ➥