海老反り えびぞり holding out one or both hands and arching one's body backward like a shrimp (in kabuki, represents being overwhelmed by someone's power) n Advanced ➥
性海 しょうかい world of tathata; the pure and absolute truth of the tathata is as wide as the sea n Buddh Advanced ➥
南海偽角平虫 なんかいにせつのひらむし ナンカイニセツノヒラムシ Persian carpet flatworm (Pseudobiceros bedfordi); Bedford's flatworm n uk Advanced ➥
黒海亀 くろうみがめ クロウミガメ East Pacific green turtle (Chelonia mydas agassizii); black sea turtle n uk Advanced ➥
地中海モンク海豹 ちちゅうかいモンクあざらし ちちゅうかいモンクアザラシ チチュウカイモンクアザラシ Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) n uk Advanced ➥