仏足石の歌 ぶっそくせきのうた poems inscribed beside the stone Buddha Foot monument at Yakushi Temple in Nara n Advanced ➥
旋頭歌 せどうか せんどうか traditional Japanese poem with six verses in a 5-7-7-5-7-7 moraic pattern n Advanced ➥
長歌 ちょうか ながうた traditional Japanese poem with verses of five and seven morae repeated at least three times, usu. ending with a verse of seven n long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century) n Advanced ➥
いろは歌留多 いろはかるた いろはがるた いろはカルタ いろはガルタ iroha karuta; matching card game usu. consisting of 47 reading cards and 47 picture cards n uk Advanced ➥