渡 ト わた.る • -わた.る • わた.す transit; ford; ferry; cross; import; deliver; diameter; migrate Grade Level 8 12 Strokes ➥
渡し込み わたしこみ technique of throwing one's opponent by pushing his chest while holding his thigh; thigh-grabbing push down n sumo Advanced ➥
渡来人 とらいじん people from overseas, especially from China and Korea, who settled in early Japan and introduced Continental culture to the Japanese n Advanced ➥
赤信号皆で渡れば怖くない あかしんごうみんなでわたればこわくない if everyone crosses against the red light together, there's nothing to be afraid of; there's no reason to feel guilty about doing something bad if everyone does it exp proverb Advanced ➥