追い出し屋 おいだしや people or companies that forcefully and illegally expel defaulting tenants from their lodgings n Advanced ➥
去る者は追わず、来たる者は拒まず さるものはおわずきたるものはこばまず do not chase one who leaves, do not reject one who comes exp proverb Advanced ➥
二兎を追う者は一兎をも得ず にとをおうものはいっとをもえず if you run after two hares you will catch neither exp proverb Advanced ➥
人の蠅を追うより己の蠅を追え ひとのはえをおうよりおのれのはえをおえ take care of yourself before you take care of others; wave off your own flies before you wave off somebody else's flies exp proverb Advanced ➥