ネズミザメ属 ネズミザメぞく Lamna (genus of mackerel sharks or white sharks with two living species in the family Lamnidae) n Advanced ➥
ホホジロザメ属 ホホジロザメぞく Carcharodon (genus containing the extant great white shark and the extinct megalodon shark in the mackerel or white shark family Lamnidae) n Advanced ➥
ウバザメ属 ウバザメぞく Cetorhinus (sole genus of the only species of basking shark in the family Cetorhinidae) n Advanced ➥
メガマウスザメ属 メガマウスザメぞく Megachasma (sole genus of the rare deep water megamouth shark in the family Megachasmidae) n Advanced ➥