ネムリブカ属 ネムリブカぞく Triaenodon (genus of requiem shark in the family Carcharhinidae whose sole member is the whitetip reef shark) n Advanced ➥
トガリアンコウザメ属 トガリアンコウザメぞく Scoliodon (genus of requiem shark in the family Carcharhinidae whose sole member is the spadenose shark) n Advanced ➥
ヒラガシラ属 ヒラガシラぞく Rhizoprionodon (genus of sharpnose sharks in the requiem shark family Carcharhinidae) n Advanced ➥
ヨシキリザメ属 ヨシキリザメぞく Prionace (genus of requiem shark in the family Carcharhinidae whose sole member is the blue shark) n Advanced ➥