インドシュモクザメ属 インドシュモクザメぞく Eusphyra; genus of hammerhead shark in the family Sphyrnidae whose sole member is the winghead shark n Advanced ➥
ゼブラソマ属 ゼブラソマぞく Zebrasoma (genus of 7 species of marine tang in the family Acanthuridae with pointed snouts and forward facing spines at the base of the tail) n Advanced ➥
ヒレナガハギ属 ヒレナガハギぞく Zebrasoma (genus of 7 species of marine tang in the family Acanthuridae with pointed snouts and forward facing spines at the base of the tail) n Advanced ➥
ニザダイ属 ニザダイぞく Prionurus (genus of surgeonfish and sawtail tangs in the family Acanthuridae) n Advanced ➥